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Safety is the first responsibility of the Transportation Department. Students are expected to follow the same behavioral standards while riding the school bus as are expected on school property or at school activities, functions or events. Riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right.



When emergency situations occur, including weather conditions, the decision to close schools, start late or dismiss early will be made by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
To receive notifications make sure your contact information is current with your building secretary.

Safety for students and staff is our first priority. When weather conditions are questionable, the district’s transportation director will do considerable checking of road conditions. Since the school district is very large, it is impossible to determine the conditions in every sector on any given day. 

Even if school is in session, parents are asked to assess their particular situation and determine whether or not it is safe for their child(ren) to attend school on a particular day. Please plan with your child what you will do in a school closing emergency.

In the event that school must be delayed or closed a School Reach phone call will be made to families and staff from the District Office. An announcement will also be made on the following stations:
AM Radio: KPRM 870, KDLM 1340, KKBJ 1360
FM Radio: KDKK 97.5, KKDL 95 FM, KTIG 102.7 FM, 103 FM, K106 FM, KWAD 920 FM, KCRB 88.5 FM, KNBJ 91.3 FM

Transportation Department

Jack Johnson
Transportation Director

Phone: 218-237-6570
Fax: 218-237-6579
