Two Inlets School Forest
Two Inlets School Forest is located about 2 ½ miles SE of Two Inlets MN and about
7 miles NW of Park Rapids MN. The property is a square 160 acres. The western ¼ of this property is generally low ground occupied by species suited to wetter areas. The eastern ¾ of the property is mainly upland forest types. A minimum maintenance road / snowmobile trail bisects the property from the SW to the NE. The property is bounded on the east side by 580th avenue. The property drains to the west and south. Topography is level to gently rolling. A fair amount of harvesting and reforestation has occurred on the property within the last 15 years.
- Manage the timber on the property for it’s long-term health and future wood products.
- Manage the vegetation on the property to sustain or enhance water quality for watersheds influenced by the property.
- To maintain a variety of forest types to be used for natural resource education opportunities which are available to the school district through classroom field trips with natural resource professionals.
- To provide habitat for a variety of wildlife.
- Provide some income from the property to defer costs of management practices, and help support natural resource education in the school district.