Brush Lake School Forest
- February 23, 1956 – Forest was donated March 7, 1956 – School Forest was established
- 1957 – White spruce planted in open areas
- 1960 – White spruce were planted in open areas
1961 – 10 acres of off-site hardwood and brush were sheared and 20,000 Norway pine were planted
1962 – lot 3 was added to the forest, making 86.49 acres. Another 10 acres was sheared and 20,000 Norway Pine were planted
1963 – 12 acres were sheared and 18 M Norway Pine and 2 M White Spruce planted
1964 – The sheared are plantings were sprayed for release by airplane
1966 – 13 cords of Aspen were cut and sold to sage Shavings plant. A compass and pacing course was laid out
1967 – 10 M Norway pine were used for replanting
1969 – 15 cords of Aspen were girdled and treated with a debarking solution in June.
1985 – Surveyed and monumented NW Corner of Section 7 Township 139, Range 35
1993 – New stewardship plan written by Marsha Parlow
1994 – 17 acre Aspen harvest for Parking Lot
1996 – Resurrected the School Forest Committee
2007 – New stewardship plan written by Brad Witkin
2013 – Norway Pine thinning and clear cut Aspen and Birch in 3 sections of the Forest.
Brush Lake School Forest is about 5 miles southeast of Park Rapids MN. A township road (150th st.) runs along the north side of the property and Cottontail Drive runs along the east side of the property. The property is rectangle shaped aligned north to south. A short driveway and circular parking area exist towards the north end of the property. A looped trail system exists on the property accessible from the parking area. Two small shelters and a pit toilet are positioned along this trail system. The property is entirely forested except for a small marsh/pond located towards the northeast side of the property. Brush lake lies along the south edge of the property. Topography is level to gently rolling and generally drains to the south.
- Manage the timber on the property for it’s long-term health and future wood products.
- Manage the vegetation on the property to sustain or enhance water quality for watersheds influenced by the property.
- To maintain a trail system on the property for management activities and for recreational and educational use by students.
- To provide habitat for a variety of wildlife.
- Provide some income from the property to defer costs of management practices, and help support natural resrouce education in the school district.
- To maintain a variety of forest types to be used for natural resource education opportunities which are available to the school district through classroom field trips with natural resource professionals.
Link to: Stewardship Plan
Link to: DNR Information on Brush Lake