Adult Basic Education
Park Rapids ABE classes are offered in partnership with the Northwest Service Cooperative ABE consortium. Classes are free.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 3:30-7:30PM
- 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
- 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
- 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Stop by the ABE classroom at the Park Rapids High School on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after 3:30 pm.
Lynn – GED/ABE Teacher
Phone: 218-237-6627 or 218-689-5973
ABE Eligibility:
Must be 17 and over, not enrolled in a K-12 school, and seeking a high school credential or lacking skills in any of the basic academic areas including reading, math, writing and/or speaking English.
ABE Objectives and Outcomes:
Adult Basic Education addresses a variety of learner goals. ABE helps learners to:
- Attain employment and/or better their current employment in order to become self-sufficient;
- Achieve high school equivalency (GED or Adult High School Diploma);
- Attain skills and certificates necessary to enter postsecondary education and training;
- Learn to speak, read and write the English language;
- Master basic academic skills to help their children succeed in school;
- Become U.S. citizens and participate in their local communities; and
- Gain self-esteem, personal confidence and sense of personal and civic responsibility.
ABE Instructional Content:
Core Content |
Conditional Content (supplemental to Core Content) |
ABE Programming Available:
- GED®(General Educational Development Diploma): National high school equivalency assessment operated by GED Testing Service that includes a set of 4 tests: Math, Reasoning through Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.
- Local Credit Completion Adult High School Diploma: Instructional programs for eligible adults leading to a high school diploma from a local Minnesota public school district.
- State Competency-Based Adult High School Diploma: Portfolio-based high school diploma completion programs for adults that embed prior experience, scores standardized assessment, ABE instruction and applied learning.
- ESL (English as a Second Language): Instruction for learners whose native language is not English.
- Basic Skills Enhancement: Elementary or secondary level basic skill building, such as work-related math, functional literacy (e.g.- banking skills), reading or writing assistance.
- Adult Career Pathways: Preparing Adults for Postsecondary Education, Training, Employment and Workforce
Education. Pre-employment programs to provide basic skills necessary for work or post-secondary. Provided at local ABE sites, Careerforce Centers, onsite at local employers and/or on campus of postsecondary institutions. Combines basic skills instruction, counseling, and college and/or workforce prep skills to prepare students for postsecondary success in credit bearing or credentialed programs and occupational programs at postsecondary institutions.
- Distance Learning and Digital Literacy: Building Adults’ Technology Skills. Digital literacy certification and numerous distance learning options to build reading, writing, math, employability and computer skills.
ABE Impact Report
Click here to link to the MN ABE Program Impact Report for more information about the difference ABE makes in the lives of MN adult learners!
General Education Development (GED) Diploma
In Minnesota, individuals who do not have a high school diploma may be able to earn a state of Minnesota GED® Diploma by passing the GED test. If you are 19 years old and are not currently enrolled in high school, you are eligible to take the GED® in Minnesota. If you are 17 or 18 years old and are not currently enrolled in high school, you must apply for an age waiver before testing. The four tests in the GED battery measure academic competencies similar to many of those required of a Minnesota high school graduate. For more information about getting a GED in Minnesota, click here.
Standard Adult High School Diploma
Open to adults, age 19 or older, Minnesota’s standard adult high school diploma is a competency-based secondary credential that is issued by the state department of education for adults that complete an authorized Standard Adult Diploma program in Adult Basic Education (ABE) with an approved electronic portfolio. For more information, click here.
Adult Literacy Hotline
To find the locations of ABE programs and GED testing centers across the state of Minnesota, click here to check out the MN Adult Literacy Hotline!